
Smarter IT Support and More Efficient Backend Processes
ITSM AI Features

Relieve your IT team with the powerful AI features in our IT Service Management solution.

IT support is often under tremendous pressure: not enough staff, annoying errors, and routine tasks that eat up valuable time. This is where our AI features step in. Automate time-consuming processes, solve recurring issues faster, and let your team focus on what really matters. With the USU IT Service Management solution, you can revolutionize your IT support and eliminate inefficiencies. Discover how AI can have your back and make IT support much easier.

Your AI Automation Benefits:

365 days of high user satisfaction

80 % more automation

1 Minute average for ticket routing

AI features in the USU ITSM solution:

IT Self-Service with ChatGPT integration:

  • USU’s chatbot, powered by GPT, enhances the understanding of user inquiries and efficiently answers frequently asked questions
  • Reduced ticket volume
  • Faster problem solving

Smart Data Collection:

  • Automated analysis of historical data ensures optimal categorization of service requests.
  • Requests are instantly routed assigned to the right team member.

Automated Incident Routing:

  • AI-powered ticket assignment to the responsible IT support groups
  • Faster resolution of incidents and significant reduction in downtime

Predictive Change Management:

  • AI-driven risk analysis helps better assess the impact of changes, avoiding recurring problems.

Proactively Identifying Risks:

  • AI automatically detects and analyzes similar historical changes to proactively identify future risks.

Automated Problem Detection:

  • Historical data allows predictive management of recurring incidents
  • Support teams quickly identify and sustainably fix known issues.


Generative AI capabilities are a key factor for USU as a leading software provider in IT Service Management. We operate with a proprietary AI platform, allowing for local LLMs, ensuring your data stays within your data center.

What sets our ITSM solution apart in the AI space:

  • Experience and Innovation: USU combines years of industry expertise with cutting-edge AI technologies to deliver an IT service that revolutionizes your support processes.
  • Seamless Integration: Our AI features are fully integrated into the USU ITSM solution and require no additional software.
  • Increased Efficiency: Enjoy optimized workflows, fewer tickets, reduced workload, and significantly higher user satisfaction.
KI basiertes Ticket Routing

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Empower your IT service management with AI features from USU

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