
Logo Lukardi

We provide professional services in:

  • SAP security
  • Digitalization of documents based on the Open Text systems
  • Execution of complex IT projects, Body & Team Leasing, recruitment. We accompany our clients on their way to digital transformation every day.

We care about the development and safety of their business. We are a team - a team of individuals who combine their experience, skills and competencies excellently. Every day we share a common goal - to help our customers in digital transformation and improve the security of their businesses. Our clients' priorities are our priorities. Together we strive for success and together we create a better future. We care about relationships, we respect ourselves and our customers.

Top Skills

SAP Cyber Security

Enterprise Content Management

IT Recruitment


Lukardi S.A.
ul. Tęczowa 3
60-275 Poznań

Phone: + 48 508 400 203