AOK Upgrades Insurance CX With USU’s Self-service Chatbot


At a glance


AOK Rheinland/Hamburg



The goal

Health insurance giant AOK Rheinland/Hamburg knew they needed a chatbot strategy to streamline customer communication and strengthen their position as an innovative insurer. They first needed a concept for a robust, scalable chatbot service. Then they needed prototype implementation as a first step to future expansion. The project goals were all about achieving rapid customer acceptance. To meet those goals they needed a chatbot that enabled expandable topics, i.e. topics that were both thematically complex and highly relevant to a young target group. Thus, the chatbot needed to incorporate an advanced knowledge management approach. The first topic they tackled was pregnancy and parenthood.


With USU's support, we successfully implemented a prototype for a promising new communication channel in a short amount of time. Due to the obvious advantages chatbots offer, further expansion is already planned.

AOK employee and project lead

About the project

AOK Rheinland/Hamburg is one of the largest statutory health insurers in Germany, with more than three million insured. The development and testing of innovative services and technologies is one of the core competencies of their RHINO team who led the chatbot project internally.

The Challenge

  • Establish a digital communication channel that resonates with a young customer base
  • Provide a self-service option on a variety of complex topics that previously required personal contact
  • Create a unique selling proposition for AOK in the health insurance environment
  • Strengthen AOK’s position as an innovative insurer

Why USU?

  • Best-in-class technology for both an internal knowledge database and chatbot
  • Full service offering including consulting, concept, dialog design, and integration
  • Ability to easily scale up future chatbot topics

The solution

  • Develop user journeys
  • Research and inventory FAQs on pregnancy and parenthood
  • Create a dialog concept and structure
  • Develop a chatbot personality: meet Clara
  • Implement the chatbot technology
  • Test intensive with users and roll-out

The Result

The Knowledge Bo t Clara provides customers with a quick overview of the most important questions about pregnancy. A simple and intuitive UX allows users to find information fast, and guided dialogs ensure they find relevant information for their particular situation. This saves time and frustration from tedious searching and reading countless articles. The ability to embed video into the chatbot experience delivers even more value.

Success Story AOK

Knowledge Bot: A chatbot technology that is convincing and engaging

USU intentionally refrains from AI-only chatbot technology. Instead, we focus on innovative features that deliver the best matched responses and value for the end-user. The result is a chatbot strategy that is convincing. If you’ve ever been caught in a chatbot loop, you know what we mean.


AOK Rheinland/Hamburg’s project benefits most from the following USU chatbot features:

Predefined moderation:

the chatbot guides the user steadily and never leaves them in a deadlock

Dialog designer:

the chatbot enters into a dialog just like in a personal conversation

Bot Universe:

ability to quickly build several bots and connect them with this collaborative approach

Easy editing:

intuitive editor and editorial workflows simplify maintenance

Extensive reporting:

Reporting and analysis help the bot get better every day. Where does the user stop? When does the chatbot not know a suitable answer?

Ready to get started? Let's talk!