E-Government Solutions

E-Government Solutions

Digital administration and citizen services

USU - Your Partner for the Digital Transformation of Public Administration

Public administration in Germany faces the challenge of working in a citizen-centric and service-oriented manner while operating efficiently and cost-neutrally. User-friendliness, interoperability, and easy access to digital citizen services will be the focus of future digitization projects by public authorities. The Online Access Act (OZG) and the IT Planning Council's digitization program have already set the course for modern e-government.

USU supports federal, state, and local government agencies in the strategic and technical implementation of their digital roadmap: from consulting and selecting the right technology to user-centric design, implementation, and operation. With e-government solutions from USU, you can make true citizen-centricity a reality - through forward-looking, automated, and data-driven services.

Your Benefits

35 % higher first-time resolution rate for citizen inquiries

50 % increase in productivity through automation

50 % less service costs

Why e-government with USU is so successful?

For over 40 years, we have been supporting public administration on its path to digitization with future-proof technologies and high quality standards. Local, state and federal governments benefit from our expertise in software architecture, user-centric design of online portals and implementation of e-government services.

Over 40 years of expertise in public administration

Future-proof technologies and high quality standards

Over 50 satisfied customers from the public sector

BMI  Bundesministerium des Innern Logo

An IT system that provides employees in the citizen service centers of the 115 network with the right information quickly and reliably is the indispensable guarantor of the uniform public authority telephone number 115. The USU solution has been meeting this high standard for many years.

Dr. Georg Thiel, Head of Department, Federal Ministry of the Interior

Ministerium der Justiz und für Europa Baden-Württemberg Logo

The analytical approach of the USU experts convinced us. Their external view confirmed our path, but also provided important impetus that we will follow up on.

Tino Müller, Ministry of Justice and for Europe Baden-Württemberg

LGL Logo

With FIONA, we are continuously increasing our efficiency as a state office. We have become much faster, even with a high volume of applications. This is due, among other things, to the quality of the data: We have to rework and correct significantly less.

Daniel Schnermann, Head of Division at the Landesamt für Geoinformation und Landentwicklung (LGL)


The many letters of thanks received clearly show the positive impressions of the citizens of Cologne, who appreciate the fast, friendly service and the competence and quality of the information provided.

Axel Hansen, Deputy Head of Citizens' Helpline, Head of Infrastructure - City of Cologne

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Would you like to inspire your citizens with top services?

We would be happy to present our solutions to you - simply and without obligation, in person or digitally.