USU listed in the Gartner® Market Guide for Customer Service Knowledge Management Systems

Gartner® has released the "Market Guide for Customer Service Knowledge Management Systems", listing USU as one of the Representative Vendors. We feel the report provides a comprehensive guide for executives in procurement, purchasing, and supplier management. Gartner highlights the central role of knowledge management systems: "By 2025, 100% of generative AI virtual customer assistant and virtual agent assistant projects that lack integration to modern knowledge management systems will fail to meet their customer experience and operational cost-reduction goals."

Gartner defines three capability categories that CS-KMS solutions are composed of:

  • End-user engagement ranks and presents the most relevant answers to a specific query, or ingests a single relevant actionable insight to a moment in a user journey, and additionally gives a user the ability to navigate a corpus of content.
  • Curation and contextualization supports the discovery/retrieval, sorting and clustering of content assets for delivery at relevant moments in the user journey, including metadata, search and monitoring/reporting/analyzing performance.
  • Knowledge life cycle management captures, assesses, authors/creates, reviews, edits, publishes, controls and retires knowledge assets.

USU Customer Service Knowledge Management covers functionalities in all three performance areas.

Key findings from the report:

  • Generative AI (GenAI) will rapidly improve the automation capabilities of customer service knowledge management systems (CS-KMS).
  • Interest in advanced customer service knowledge management systems is growing as companies recognize the importance of knowledge management to optimize service and maximize ROI from GenAI investments.
  • Advanced features such as automated content capture, curation and dynamic content management set the most innovative providers apart from the rest of the market.

Harald Huber, CTO and Managing Director of USU, reinforces Gartner report's findings: "With the deployment of generative AI, companies are on the brink of industrializing their knowledge processes. This will fundamentally change the way customer service operates, with knowledge databases being managed by both machines and humans for machines and humans."

The Gartner report "Market Guide for Customer Service Knowledge Management Systems", published on June 10, 2024, by analysts Pri Rathnayake and Drew Kraus, complimentary copy is available at